Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Summer SALE!

034, originally uploaded by julesnchris97.

To simplify my life and get back into doing what I LOVE, which is photography I am running a sale this summer.

For $125.00 you get:

A full 1-2 hour session with me in any area of choice, indoors or out within 15 miles of Grand Junction.

Custom editing, color, black and white or sepia photos and minor touch ups.

A FULL RESOLUTION CD of 20-30 proofs with full rights to print, copy, place online or do what ever you want with, the pictures are YOURS!

I also can print them professionally for you, for just my cost if you so desire.

Refer a friend who also books with me and receive 25$ in free prints!

Call or email today to set up your session!


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